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Middle School News and Events

MS Leadership Club Info

The Leadership Club will be collecting donations for Pie in the Sky from 3/25 – 4/8.  Pie in the Sky is a non-profit organization that helps SJC senior citizens in need of basic items such as body wash, hand soap, toothpaste, toilet paper, canned chicken breast, canned tuna, Dinty Moore stew, and Chef Boyardee canned ravioli.  

All donations will be collected during homeroom at the start of each day.  

Please consider donating one small items to our senior citizens in need.

Thank you!

National Junior Honor Society Info

Lakeside Academy is currently receiving applications for the Middle School National Junior Honor Society.  National Junior Honor Society  promotes Academics, Service, Leadership, Character and Citizenship.  NJHS is open to rising 7th and 8th Grade students.  Applications are available from either Ms. Worth or Mrs. Gavarrette. Completed applications are due to Mrs. Gavarrette no later than Friday, March 28th at 3PM. See application for full details and meeting dates.

NJHS Application